Wednesday, November 3, 2010

1000, and 300

Yippee! My ArtFire studio has been fully up for just about a month now, and today, I passed 1000 item views, and 300 studio views. That means over 300 people have looked at my ArtFire studio page, and those people (or others linking directly from Google, The Find, etc.) have looked at some combination of my items over 1000 times! YAY! When I started ArtFire, I added up the stats on my Etsy shop, and after a year on etsy I had 2765 item views (I'm not sure how to track shop views on Etsy, but I do have 68 "hearts" for my shop). So in a month on ArtFire, I've gotten over 1/3 of the traffic to my studio that it took me a year to get in Etsy! Now, to be fair, I didn't have very many items listed at first on Etsy, and started with over 40 at once on ArtFire (I love their tool to import your Etsy items). I also got, just a couple days ago, my very first "market" add on ArtFire, which is equivalent to someone "heart"ing my shop on Etsy. Now if all that traffic turns into sales this holiday season, I'll be even more delighted. :D

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