Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Pictures taken, more listings coming soon!

I finally got pictures taken of about 80 jewelry items not currently listed in any of my shops. I didn't have my favorite model but I at least had my good setup with light box. I have another dozen or so jewelry items still to be photographed, and a half dozen crochet items and almost as many beaded ornaments still to be photographed. But before I try my next photo-shoot I'll get the 80ish item photos (usually about 3 pics per item) cropped and ready to list. SO coming soon will be many new items to my shops!!!

Competing with my desire to get those things listed is my need to get my new table covers made before the Lodi Street Fair, which is Sunday October 2nd. I got the fabric washed and dried so it's pre-shrunk, and will get one of the tables set up in my craft room behind my sewing machine so I can measure out what I need. I'll be SO excited to return the borrowed table cloths I've been using for the last year to my momma. :) The new table covers will be a light-to-medium purple swirly print that completely covers each of my 6' tables down to a half-inch above the ground, and over that I'll have big diamond shaped overlays that are a cream-on-cream print of butterflies. I'm so excited! I'll post pics of my booth at Lodi when I'm done so y'all can see. OH, and I just remembered I need to make more business cards...

Have a great weekend and hope to see you in Lodi on the 2nd! OH and I'll be in booth #1004, on Church street, near Elm street - almost smack in the middle of the handcrafts section.

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